Ziegler Papier to stop production of fine and specialty papers at its Grellingen facility in Switzerland

Ziegler Papier to stop production of fine and specialty papers at its Grellingen facility in Switzerland

SWITZERLAND -- Ziegler Papier AG will be stopping production of fine and special papers at the Grellingen plant in Switzerland. The decision to discontinue production was taken because of persisting over-capacities, the negative exchange rate situation and the major price pressure as a result, the company said.

Production will end around the end of April 2016. The company will re-purpose the site.

The managing owners have informed the employees of the decision. The authorities of the Canton of Baselland and the local council, as well as the KIGA, have also been informed. The consultation process has now been initiated.

Together with the trade union, SPV, Ziegler Papier will now finalize the Social Plan as provided for in the collective bargaining agreement and look for the best possible solutions for its around 100 employees.